

Disclaimer: This asset is intended to be a First Person character controller (which means 3D) and so all features and aspects of this project have been
designed and coded for that purpose. No testing has been done to confirm whether all aspects of this asset support 2D physics and movement.

What is your "First Person" character controller?

This character controller is a first-person based character which uses a capsule as the default player character and also uses the in-built character controller as well as
a script that goes along with it which expands on that much more and handles all of the character requirements.

Why did you decide to use the in-built character controller?

The main focus of this asset is to provide a character controller that anyone can use, especially those who are either beginners or have intermediate knowledge of Unity.
Using the default character controller allows for a more straight forward, basic approach while still creating more intricate functions around it. It is also a controller that
many users are familiar with or have very basic knowledge of, which allows for a much briefer introduction into this asset while still being able to expand on as much
as desired.

Does this asset support both the old and new input systems?

At the moment this asset only directly supports the old input system with the code reflecting that, but there is no reason why the user should not be able to
implement one or the other, or both.

Is there Third Person available?

There is a third-person camera available with this asset but since it is aimed at being a first-person project, the third-person camera has very limited
functionality and is there more just to show that the project is capable of working just fine with a third-person movement system instead of the default first-person movement.

What type of games is this asset aimed at producing?

The main design focus was to turn this into a fast-paced, arcadey first-person shooter game. But this asset can be used to create any type of game, such as a horror game,
survival game, RTS game (with some custom adjustments) and so on.

How is collision handled?

The character controller can collide with other controllers and the enviroment including other colliders and has very basic interactions with Rigidbodies. The asset was
created with more of a "sandbox" shooter feel, so essentially collision works at a standard level but in its current state, the character controller cannot push around
objects that contain a Rigidbody, and Rigidbody objects cannot push around the controller with proper physics and mechanics.

How do you handle the camera?

There are 2 different cameras that are used, with one specifically intended for movements with the character itself, and the other which deals with anything attached
to the player (hands, arms, weapons, or other objects), and contain different settings for rendering, etc.

Can a humanoid character be used in place of the default capsule?

Yes, there is no reason that a humanoid character would not work in place of the default capsule that this asset comes with. Nothing has been implemented to tie this
asset to a capsule character, but you will need to make some custom adjustments to get your humanoid character to function as you would like.